Immigration Law Firm
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Bradley Immigration Law has assisted clients in filing labor petitions for Green Card (PERM) applications. Below are key statistics:
Not in USA; H-1B; B-2
Lead Teacher; Meat Processor; Slaughter Room Butcher; Cook; Jr. Data Analyst
Preschool Teachers, Except Special Ed; Meat, Poultry, And Fish Cutters And Trimmers; Slaughterers And Meat Packers; Business Intelligence Analyst; RESTAURANT COOK
Norwood, NC; Wake Forest, NC; Raleigh, NC; Cary, NC; Morrisville, NC
Bradley Immigration Law has filed labor condition applications for H-1B visas for a wide variety of positions and locations. Below are the top statistics:
Agricultural Staff Research Associate; Sr Migration Engineer; Vice President For Innovation; Business Intelligence Developer
Preschool Teachers, Except Special Ed, Meat, Poultry, And Fish Cutters And Trimmers, Slaughterers And Meat Packers, Business Intelligence Analyst, RESTAURANT COOK
Raleigh, NC; Charlottesville, VA; Winston Salem, NC; Durham, NC
Recent Case: 21 - Success Rate: Value: 95.00%.
Recent Case: 2 - Success Rate: Value: 100.00%.
Recent Case: 1 - Success Rate: Value: 100.00%.
Recent Case: 0 - Success Rate: Value: 0.00%.