Immigration Law Firm
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Do Law Office has assisted clients in filing labor petitions for Green Card (PERM) applications. Below are key statistics:
F-1; Not in USA; J-1; B-2
Food Preparation Worker; Food Preparation Workers; Warehouse Clerk; Administrative Clerk; Food Prep Worker; Operations Managers; Clinical/Post Doctorate Fellow; Customer Suppport Specialist; Customer Support Specialist
Food Preparation Workers; Office Clerks, General; Stockers And Order Fillers; Cooks, Restaurant; Customer Service Representatives; Mental Health Counselors; General And Operations Managers; Food Preparation Worker
Duluth, GA; Doraville, GA; Norcross, GA; Oakland, CA; Orlando, FL; Brentwood, CA; Dallas, TX; Orlando, GA; Hannibal, MO; Des Plaines, IL
Do Law Office has filed labor condition applications for H-1B visas for a wide variety of positions and locations. Below are the top statistics:
Trial Attorney
Food Preparation Workers, Office Clerks, General, Stockers And Order Fillers, Cooks, Restaurant, Customer Service Representatives, Mental Health Counselors, General And Operations Managers, Food Preparation Worker
Norcross, GA
Recent Case: 51 - Success Rate: Value: 94.00%.