Immigration Law Firm
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General Conference Of Sda has assisted clients in filing labor petitions for Green Card (PERM) applications. Below are key statistics:
General Conference Of Sda has filed labor condition applications for H-1B visas for a wide variety of positions and locations. Below are the top statistics:
Auditor; Software Developer Applications; Site Manager / Chief Engineer; Information Technology Project Manager; Software Developers Applications; Elementary School Teacher; Senior Researcher & Learning Development Associate; Instructional Coordinators; Network & Telecommunication, Associate Director ; Computer And Information Systems Managers
Silver Spring, MD; Columbia, MD; Talofofo, GU; Agat, GU; Berrien Springs, Michigan, MI; Agana Heights, GU; Lancaster, MA; Mcdonald, TN; Redlands, CA; Berrien Springs, MI
Recent Case: 21 - Success Rate: Value: 95.00%.
Recent Case: 11 - Success Rate: Value: 100.00%.