Immigration Law Firm
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Whittenburg Law Firm has assisted clients in filing labor petitions for Green Card (PERM) applications. Below are key statistics:
H-1B; H-2A; EWI; TN
Accountant; Bilingual Kindergarten Teacher; Agricultural Equipment Operator; Cattle Manger; Computer Systems Architect
Agricultural Equipment Operator; Cattle Manager; Computer Systems Architect; Accountant; Bilingual Kindergarten Teacher
Lubbock, TX; Texhoma, OK; Dumas, TX; Ferris, TX
Whittenburg Law Firm has filed labor condition applications for H-1B visas for a wide variety of positions and locations. Below are the top statistics:
Principal Research Control Engineer ; Instructor; Computer Systems Architect; Marketing Data Scientist; Elar Teacher; accounts Receivable Coordinator; Software Developer; Medical Technologist; Full Stack Web Developer
Agricultural Equipment Operator, Cattle Manager, Computer Systems Architect, Accountant, Bilingual Kindergarten Teacher
Lubbock, TX; Clarendon, TX; Albuquerque, NM; Booker, TX; Fort Worth, TX; Quanah, TX
Recent Case: 7 - Success Rate: Value: 86.00%.
Recent Case: 3 - Success Rate: Value: 100.00%.
Recent Case: 2 - Success Rate: Value: 50.00%.
Recent Case: 1 - Success Rate: Value: 100.00%.
Recent Case: 0 - Success Rate: Value: 0.00%.